
Focus on Photography

Leipzig Hbf II, 1988 is part of »Focus on Photography - Recent Additions to the Collection« of the MdbK. The presentation unites a remarkable variety of photographic means of expression and at the same time offers a fragmentary overview of the recent history of photography in Leipzig. 4.12.2024 - 2.3.2025, MdbK Leipzig → read more →

Silver Tower Pavilion - Talk

Artist talk with Matthias Hoch, Anna Voswinckel (Camera Austria, Graz) and Jochen Becker (nGbK). Location: Place Internationale, green area near U5 station Cottbusser Platz, Maxie-Wander-Straße/ corner Carola-Neher-Straße, 12619 Berlin. 14 Sept 2024, 5 pm  →  →

Silver Tower Pavilion

Six billboards with motifs from the series »Silver Tower, Frankfurt am Main, 2009-11« are on view as an open space site-specific photographic work. It corresponds with a pavilion, originally developed in the 1970s by ABB in the same corporate design as the Silver Tower for the Dresdner Bank. Further photographs are on display as slideshow and light box around the clock in the station urbaner kulturen. 27.7. - 15.9. 2024, nGbK Berlin-Hellersdorf  →

Mix & Match

For the first time, four of my photographs from the Series Train Stations, 1988 are on display at the Pinakothek der Moderne. Gallery 31 is focused to the theme of »absence/presence«, with works by Arnulf Rainer, On Kawara, Matthias Hoch, Donald Judd, and Nicholas Nixon.
Pinakothek der Moderne München, until 31 December 2024,  → read more   → venue

Stadt. Fotografien 1986-92

My sixth exhibition with Jochen Hempel goes back to the beginning: I am showing the black-and-white series "Stadt" (1986) along with color photographs from „Nacht“ (1987-92), which show scenes of urban spaces, mainly in Leipzig and East Berlin. 28 October - 16 December 2023, Galerie Jochen Hempel, Leipzig  → read more → venue → online showroom

Silver Tower

At the start of the season, this group of works can be seen for the first time in Frankfurt/Main. Accompanying the exhibition, a supplement to the book »Matthias Hoch, Silver Tower« with an essay by Niklas Maak will be published by Spector Books. Jacky Strenz Gallery, Frankfurt/M., Sep 8 - Oct 28, 2023, opening Sep 8, 6-9 pm   → read more  → venue

Suddenly Wonderful

Two of my photographs are part of »Suddenly Wonderful. Visions for chunky 1970’s architecture in West Berlin«, a show with 85 works by architects, photographers and artists. Berlinische Galerie, Reopening, 25 May 2023, 7 pm; the exhibition runs from 26 May to 18 September 2023  → read more  → venue

Long Time, No See

I’m delighted to present my work in a panel discussion as part of a Symposium about Photography in and from East Germany organized by the German Photographic Society (DGPh) on December 10, 2022, 11 am to 7 pm, at the Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee  → read more


Tique, a platform for contemporary art based in Antwerp, features the work of inspiring artists. - Published in July 2022: Matthias Hoch →


Two groups of works can be seen in my solo exhibition L'Entracte: BER, 2017-2020 and, for the first time, Paris, 2019. Opening on June 16, 6 pm, with an introduction by Florian Ebner, Centre Pompidou, Paris. June 16 - September 6, 2022, Goethe-Institut Paris  → read more

Crise urbaine à Berlin ?

I’m delighted to present my work in a panel discussion with Jean-Louis Cohen, Corinne Jaquand and Niklas Maak as part of the Festival Berlin, nos années 20, which accompanies the exhibition « Allemagne / Années 1920 / Nouvelle Objectivité / August Sander » as a counterpoint. 19 May 2022, 7 pm at Forum -1, Centre Pompidou, Paris → read more

Matthias Hoch, BER (publication)

mit Texten von/ with essays by Kathrin Röggla und/ and Thomas Weski. Spector Books, Leipzig, September 2021. Details and Press Review  → read more

Stadt. Fotografien 1986-92

In a solo exhibition with Nagel Draxler, I am showing for the first time my early black-and-white series "Stadt" (1986) along with color photographs from the late 1980s and early 1990s, which show scenes of urban spaces, mainly in Leipzig and East Berlin. 6 Nov 2021 – 8 Jan 2022, Nagel Draxler Kabinett Berlin → read more → venue

40 years of Fotohof Salzburg

Images from recent projects of all artists, who have had an exhibition at Fotohof Salzburg in the last 40 years, are shown in a projection. Each artist has the entire gallery at his/her disposal for one minute: a large visual panopticon. 23 Nov 2021 - 19 March 2022, Stadtgalerie Lehen, Salzburg  → read more → venue

Paris Photo 2021

I am pleased to take part at Paris Photo with my latest work "BER" at Galerie Nordenhake (booth A24) and Publisher Spector Books (booth SE22). Book Signing: 13 Nov 2021, 3pm at Spector Books. 11 - 14 Nov 2021, Grand Palais Ephémère   → read more  → Nordenhake@ParisPhoto

Matthias Hoch, BER (artist talk)

Florian Ebner (Centre Pompidou, Paris) in conversation with Matthias Hoch, on the occasion of Hoch’s solo exhibition »BER« at Galerie Nordenhake Berlin, June 19, 2021 (in German). → youtube

Matthias Hoch, BER (exhibition)

An airport with no planes, a terminal with no passengers. Berlin-Brandenburg Airport, code BER, was in a state of limbo for years. Matthias Hoch presents his new body of work BER 2017-20. Opening days: June 18 - 20, exhibition: June 18 - September 4, 2021, Galerie Nordenhake Berlin  → read more

Voyage, voyage

Brüssel #15, 2001, showing a view upward across a section of the passenger information display at the Bruxelles-Midi Eurostar station, is part of »Voyage, voyage. A journey through space and time«. With works on the theme of travel from the museum’s collection. July/August 2021, Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig → read more   → venue

Outside In

The video Japan Sketches, 2014 is part of Outside In, a programme of events and exhibits curated by The Coronet Theatre. It takes place in shop windows along Portobello Road, Notting Hill, London, 7-15 May 2021  → read more   → venue


Photography of the Viehof Collection and the Museum Kurhaus Kleve. The exhibition, named after a work by Wolfgang Tillmans, consists of 130 works by 30 international artists, including two photographs by Matthias Hoch. A catalogue has been published. 2 Oct 2020 – 25 April 2021, Museum Kurhaus Kleve  → read more  → venue

Sky & Heaven. Der Himmel über Berlin.

The photograph BER #11, showing the new but since 2012 unused runway of the not yet opened airport BER, is part of the group show which celebrates the 20th anniversary of the gallery. Opening 11 September 2020, 7.30 pm. 12 Sep - 20 Nov 2020, Guardini Galerie, Berlin  → read more  → venue

Im Morgenlicht der Republik

Two photographs from the series Train stations, 1988 are part of the exhibition »In the Dawn of the Republic« which celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Chemnitz Art Collection. 25 July - 25 Oct 2020, Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz   → read more  → venue

Resonance - Artists on Niemeyer

Paris #25, 2019, showing Oscar Niemeyer’s futuristic headquarters of the French Communist Party, is among the works on art on display. The occasion of the show is the opening of one of the architects last designs, the Niemeyer Sphere, on July 3, 2020. The exhibition runs until October 18, 2020. TechneSphere Leipzig  → read more  → venue

Walking through the fields of history

A selection of significant artistic positions and works for the Dogenhaus/ Jochen Hempel Gallery. A collection of paintings, photographs, sculptures, drawings. 28 artists from 28 years of gallery history. One of my recent photographs, Paris #20, is part of the show. 28.5. - 2.7.2020, Galerie Jochen Hempel, Leipzig → read more   → venue

Moderne. Ikonografie. Fotografie.

The two-volume exhibition catalogue is now available. Edited by Annegret Laabs and Uwe Gellner, Kunstmuseum Magdeburg. Book Design by Bureau David Voss. Published by E.A. Seemann Verlag Leipzig, 2020.  → read more

Zeitreise nach Frohburg

Der Schriftsteller Guntram Vesper wandert durch die sächsische Provinz und landet in der Erinnerung. Mit Fotografien von Matthias Hoch. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 7.5.2020, Reiseblatt  → read more

Nothing Close Enough

Japan Sketches, 2013/14 is part of the exhibition »Nothing Close Enough« at »Am Ende des Tages«, an artist-run exhibition project in Düsseldorf. Festival düsseldorf photo +, 13.3. - 18.3.2020 → read more  → venue

Travelling the World

Dresden-Mitte I, 1988 is currently on view in the exhibition »Travelling the World - Art from Germany. Artworks from the ifa Collection, 1949 to the Present«. 11.3. - 12.4.2020, Palace of Art, Minsk, Belarus → read more  → ifa   → venue

Moderne. Ikonografie. Fotografie.

Four recent photographs by Matthias Hoch are part of the exhibition »Moderne. Ikonografie. Fotografie. Das Bauhaus und die Folgen 1919–2019«, a large show with 400 photographs by 80 artists that explores the boundaries of the theme. 21.9.2019 – 9.2.2020, Kunstmuseum Magdeburg → read more → venue

Das Jahr 1990 freilegen

Fotografien der Serie Neue Heimat sind Teil des umfangreichen Buches, das Bilddokumente und Stimmen aus dem Jahr 1990 mit essayistischen Reflexionen und Geschichten montiert. Herausgegeben von Jan Wenzel. Spector Books, Leipzig 2019. Nominiert für den Preis der Leipziger Buchmesse 2020 in der Kategorie Sachbuch.  → read more → spectorbooks

Kunstsammlungen Zwickau: new acquisition

The photograph Zwickau #1, 2018 by Matthias Hoch is now part of the collection of the Kunstsammlungen Zwickau/ Max Pechstein Museum. → read more → venue

Silver Tower at Kunsthalle G2

Parallel to the special exhibition »Double Feature«, selected artworks from the Hildebrand Collection are currently on view, including the photograph Silver Tower #3, Frankfurt/Main 2009, by Matthias Hoch. 11.10.2019 - 12.1.2020, Kunsthalle G2 Leipzig, → read more → venue

Travelling the World

Currently on view in the European Capital of Culture, Plovdiv: Travelling the World - Art from Germany. Artworks from the ifa Collection, 1949 to the Present. 11.10. - 8.12.2019, New Exhibition Hall, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. → read more → ifa
→ venue

Stillgestelle Zeit

»Die besten Fotografien fangen die stillgestellte Zeit ein. Dieses Leben im Vorhof der Zukunft, in der Unaufgeregtheit des Anfangs vom Ende«. Christoph Tannert im Kunstforum International, Band 263, Rebellion und Anpassung, S. 108-119, Köln 2019. → read more → kunstforum

Press Review: FAZ

„Der Fotograf Matthias Hoch nimmt am Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg Bilder auf, denen man nicht ansieht, ob sie Aufbau oder Abriss zeigen.“ Freddy Langer, BER, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 27. 12. 2018, S. R6  → read more

Travelling the World

Artworks from the collection of the Institut für Auslands-beziehungen (ifa), Stuttgart. 400 works by over 100 artists. Curated by Matthias Flügge and Matthias Winzen.
24.1. - 25.3.2019, Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade.
→ read more  → venue

Albertina, Wien

Der Sammler Karlheinz Essl hat der Wiener Albertina rund 1.300 Kunstwerke geschenkt, darunter acht Fotografien von Matthias Hoch. Die Sammlung soll in Zukunft am neuen, zweiten Standort der Albertina, dem Künstlerhaus am Karlsplatz, gezeigt werden.

Une société déchirée

Photographs from the series Matthias Hoch, Silver Tower are part of the exhibition Zerrissene Gesellschaft. Ereignisse von langer Dauer./ Une société déchirée. Des évènements de longue durée. 12.09–21.10.2018. Opening 11.9.2018, 6 pm at Centre de la photographie Genève,

Zerrissene Gesellschaft

Matthias Hoch ist am f/stop Festival beteiligt: in der Ausstellung Zerrissene Gesellschaft/ Broken Bonds (23.6.-1.7.2018) sowie im Workshop Das Jahr 1990 freilegen/ Exposing the Year 1990 (28.6.2018, 15-18 Uhr), details.
8. Festival für Fotografie f/stop Leipzig, Eröffnung am 22.6.2018, 19 Uhr, Spinnerei Leipzig,

Die Stadt

Ausstellung mit Arbeiten von Till Exit, Matthias Hoch und Heidi Specker in den Kunstsammlungen Zwickau. Eröffnung am 23. 3. 2018, 18 Uhr. Begleitprogramm: Lesung von Clemens Meyer, Im Netz der Spinnenfrau am 23.5.2018, 19 Uhr. 24.3.-17.6.2018,

Contemporary Metropolis

PHOTOGRAPHY IS ART 攝影是藝術, the Hong Kong based new magazine, has featured the work by Matthias Hoch: Typology of Contemporary Metropolis. Text by Zhu Lan-Qing. Issue 04/2018, pp. 26-35.

Wasser und Wein

Neupräsentation der Sammlung des Museum Kurhaus Kleve - zu sehen sind auch Fotografien von Matthias Hoch: Wolfsburg #4, 2000; Brüssel #8, 2001 (Abb.) und Silver Tower #9, Frankfurt am Main, 2009. März 2018 - Juli 2019, Museum Kurhaus Kleve,

Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, 2018

Matthias Hoch erhält ein Stipendium für einen sechsmonatigen Studienaufenthalt in Paris 2018. / Matthias Hoch receives a scholarship for a six month artist residency in Paris 2018.

5x5 Photo Tracks

Die wunderschön komponierte, im Schuber fassonierte, mit dem Bank-Austria-Kunstpreis ausgezeichnete Publikation repräsentiert alle zentralen Perspektiven, die in den letzten Dekaden relevant waren. Empfehlung! Gregor Auenhammer, Der Standard, Wien, 19.7.2017

Five curators, twenty-five artists, five volumes in a slipcase. Published by EIKON, Vienna, 2016, details:

Leipzig in Bewegung

Aufbau, das 1934 in New York gegründete jüdische Monatsmagazin, widmet seine jüngste Ausgabe Leipzig. Enthalten sind Fotografien von Matthias Hoch aus der Zeit um 1989. Aufbau, Zürich, Februar/März 2017, S. 24-28

Press Review: FAZ

"Für seine Arbeit sucht Matthias Hoch von jeher Orte mit Geschichte. Häuser und Räume, die wirken wie Bühnen eines längst abgespielten Stücks." Freddy Langer, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 12. 1. 2017, S. R6, FAZ plus

Matthias Hoch, Hotel Kobenzl

herausgegeben von/ edited by Michael Mauracher and Rainer Iglar (Fotohof Salzburg) and Franciska Zólyom (GfZK Leipzig, concept), mit einem Text von/ with a text by Andreas Maier, Buchgestaltung/ Graphic Design: Kay Bachmann, 26x20 cm, 160 Seiten/ pages, Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag/ with dust jacket, 75 Farbabbildungen/ Color plates, 9 Duoton- und/ and 108 sw-Abbildungen/ bw-images, deutsch/ englisch, German/ English, ISBN 978-3-902993-25-0. Eine Vorzugsausgabe ist erhältlich/ A collector's edition is available. Edition Fotohof, Salzburg 2016

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